Stefan Grund (@eay)

Cologne, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @eay ever

May 14th, 2013

reeft “Home Alone was released closer to the MOON LANDING than to now.” #wat

via web (retweeted on 5:33 PM, May 14th, 2013 via YoruFukurou)

Komisches Volk, diese Bergheimer. ;)

via YoruFukurou

Na, wer hätte erwartet, dass es beim “1. Bergheimer fc-Stammtisch” nicht um den #effzeh, sondern um fotocommunity geht?

via YoruFukurou

Your favorite tumblr for the next 5 minutes (13): Diesmal mit sich schämenden Hunden…

via OS X

@JJBs_Cinema Immer dasselbe. Undankbares Gärtnervolk!

via YoruFukurou in reply to JJBs_Cinema