@filtercake @michsch @uxcgn @pietzpluswild Alles klar. Danke für den Nachtrag. 👌🏻
derSchepp Unicorns explaining browser rendering all while the audience is knitting. Welcome to the world of webdevelopment co..twitter.com/i/web/status/9…L2

.@RuhrJS, the only conference where a bear (?) introduces a unicorn which talks about GPU acceleration. #ruhrjs17 pic.twitter.com/r9oN3tv4Tl

derbronko So great! 👌🏼👏 #RuhrJS17
One of the best talks I’ve ever seen! Thank you so much, @AnjanaVakil pic.twitter.com/9w1gdtHwYP

Kleywalker Great talk about #cssgridlayout @RuhrJS. 😊 @rachelandrew thanks a lot. #ruhrjs17 #oldIE pic.twitter.com/DNuRElEbmU

stefanjudis Dealing with dates is always hard. @paul_v_m shares tips and tricks when dealing with time in JS. 👍 #ruhrjs17 pic.twitter.com/tYSSInJLR4
#ruhrjs17, Tag 2. (@ Zentrum für IT-Sicherheit) swarmapp.com/c/5YvwbPDJAtz