Stefan Grund (@eay)

Cologne, Germany

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @eay ever

December 14th, 2017

5. and 7. is rather “Force Awakens before Han Solo shows up” and after.

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My new Star Wars top list:
1. Empire
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. First half of Force Awakens
6. The Last Jedi
7. Second half of Force Awakens

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Bad news: I am underwhelmed. »The Last Jedi« was okay’ish, but I didn’t like it very much. Just more of the same and a lot of wasted potential, instead of trying something truly new. Bonus points for being Star Wars.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi. (@ Euromaxx Cinemas in Kerpen, North Rhine-Westphal)

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Jetzt wo Disney die Film- und Fernsehen-Divison von Fox gekauft hat, könnte ich ja nach “Disney’s Star Wars” ( auch ein “Disney’s The Simpsons” Tumblelog starten…

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Genau das richtige Lied, um heute gestresst zur Arbeit zu fahren.

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