Das wäre ein »The Last Jedi« nach meinem Geschmack gewesen. (Posterkonsum hier: frodesignco.com/last-jedi-rema…) pic.twitter.com/OlyRjOYW9d

FraserC69 Masters of the Universe fans are sure to remember these guys. pic.twitter.com/cno7EDeQN4

Senficon Great success: Your protests have worked! The European Parliament has sent the copyright law back to the drawing board. All MEPs will get to vote on #uploadfilters and the #linktax September 10–13. Now let’s keep up the pressure to make sure w#SaveYourInternetetpic.twitter.com/VwqAgH0Xs5s5

Wenn absolute Konzentration gefragt ist, wird es Zeit für die 🥁 “Programmierplaylist” 🥁. 😌 pic.twitter.com/HDuXrAMhkc
@michsch @HeydtJens Guter Tipp! twitter.com/adamwathan/sta…

How one typeface took over movie posters eay.cc/2018/how-one-t… #blog pic.twitter.com/v2vEwsfKfd